Our Factories

We spent months finding the best factories in India and we hand-picked our factories for their innovative perspective, world-class construction techniques and technology expertise. Our factories have a compliance audit ratings of 90 and above on factors like working environment, worker rights, forced labor, ethical production and fair wages.
Some of the other things we keep in mind are water and pesticide usage during materials growth, product care requirements, recycling of residual waste and material longevity. We take pride in each step of the manufacturing process to deliver a product unlike anyone else.

Working Conditions
We started Svenklas with the mission of making the highest quality products in the world. This means selecting the finest materials and working with exceptionally skilled craftsmen.
At the same time, we aim to have the highest standards in working conditions by ensuring safe environment in factories where our products are made. To ensure this we are only working with factories who are Magnum complaint as per standards laid out by International Labour Organization (ILO) and are committed to implementing Fair Code of Labour practices.
This includes reasonable working hours, fair wages and safe working conditions. Child labour is strictly banned. We regularly visit our factories to make sure proper working conditions at all factories manufacturing our products. This ensures transparency and helps us to work towards continuously improving working conditions.

Transparency and Ethical Production
We believe that you should know how our products are manufactured and the only way we can achieve this is by being radically transparent about our supply chain. What does that mean to us? It’s to give you the story behind the products from the farms to your hands and become a world-leading example in transparency and ethical production.
We currently work with two factories in India which produces our leather and cotton canvas products. Your purchase with us enables us to create employment opportunity for over 500 skilled craftsmen and artisans working in these factories. These factories are family owned with decades of experience and produces products for major US and European brands. We regularly audit the working conditions to ensure compliance with International standards.
Our organic cotton is sourced directly from farmers in India through a partner while our natural leather is sourced from suppliers in Italy, Spain, Turkey and Argentina.